Monday, May 21, 2012

Dear Magnolia

This is something I wrote for a class last quarter. We had to write a letter to our past self. It seems fitting at this time in my life. 

Dear Magnolia,

I know you want me to tell you what life becomes
To tell you all the parts to avoid 
The sticky sharp parts 
The parts that you think will ruin you

I wish I could take them all away
The nights you had to flip your dampened pillow
The loneliness you despised
The separation you felt 

I can't tell you what to do
I won't tell you where to turn
I understand how lost you will feel
I know the hopelessness in your spirit

I do promise you that one day you grow up
You learn things slowly 
Mistakes will always a part of your life
But they will not define you

You will find love that sucks
 all the air out of your lungs
You will find loss that does that and more
People will cherish you
Others won't

One day people will tell you how different you are
They will show you facts and remedies
Your disease is nothing like they say
You will find the courage in yourself and not a pill

Be strong, Magnolia
Strong like your mother always told you to be
You are more like her than you wish to believe
One day you will find strength there

I will not tell you, Magnolia what life will give
You will find your peace
You will learn from what you do
Every mistake will bring you here

You may find it cruel
You may become even more apathetic
So go ahead, take that shot
Get that tattoo, kiss that boy

I do not take it all back for you
I give it to you freely
You will find your spirit
You will find your words