Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Opposite Side Of The Door

This is originally a song that I wrote. As much as I adore poetry, Its not exactly my strongest voice. But, somehow when I add music to the page I just can't help myself. 

This is about finding love in life, good timing or not. And how the chances you may take in your dreams could save your life when you're awake.

(PS-In poetry every word means something, grammar doesn't really exist. Its a beautiful thing.)
(PPS- Im not just saying that so I don't have to spell

There once was a girl
Who dreamed she had curls
Her Momma's she'd longingly twirl

But in the morning she wakes
Her soul it does ache
For a man from an opposite world

She wanders she sings
Her voice gives her wings
And she flies to the opposite world

And there in his arms
She senses no harm
And her hair grows long down in swirls

And the moon it glows
Oh the moon it grows
On the opposite worlds' desert floor

There love will survive
Their souls come alive
On the opposite side of the door

A young man is waiting
His timing he's hating
The opposite world is in storm

He knows if he goes
Her face will not show
And all of his life he will mourn

And the moon it glows
Oh the moon it grows
On the opposite worlds' desert floor

There love will survive
Their souls come alive
On the opposite side of the door

In stories we're told
Some day we grow old
And our children will cry they will mourn

Don't wait for the day
When you can't fly away
To the opposite worlds' shining shore

For a haunting will take you
Your memories will fade you
Your young heart will guide you no more

You'll howl out and pray
Another chance will give way
To find love like you found once before

Oh the moon it glows
Oh the moon it grows
On the opposite worlds' desert floor

There love will survive
Their souls come alive
On the opposite side of the door

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