Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Barbie Had 50 Careers, Why Can't I Have 1?

I am unemployed.
There. I said it. After months of telling people I had a job, after making up careers to people I knew I would never see again ( I will probably still do that) I can finally admit to everyone and to myself, that I do not have a job.
Whoa is me right? I guess I can join the rest of the 22 year olds in the world who thought they would have their dream jobs by now.

The reason I am telling you all this, is because of an interesting conversation I had last night with one of Noahs coworkers. When asked what I did, I told them I was unemployed. It was the first time I had really told anyone that. As soon as it came out of my mouth I was scared to hear their reaction. All they said was, "No shame in that, everyone's been there. So what do you WANT to do?" And it hit me. Everyone has experienced this. I don't know why I never thought of this. It was just a few months ago that Noah was experiencing this same exact thing. Even though this was  a very difficult time for us, we grew a lot in our relationship. We figured out that it is more important to be happy then to have all the material things that we thought we needed.

I think the worst part about the whole unemployment thing is that most of my friends are older than I am. They have all been through what I am going through now, but they are past it. They have careers and are living independently which is something that I really want to experience right now. But having their support and advice has really helped me take this challenge in life and turn it into an oppertunity to grow.

There has been a good side to all of this. I have realized what it is I really want to do and I am going to do everything I can do have a career doing something I am passionate about. Even though it may be more stressful, it is worth it to me in the long run to enjoy what I do. It has also made (forced) me to be extremely frugal with my money. I have learned that in life, the things that mean the most are not things at all. It is the experiences and love that you have around you. That is why when I do start to get some income, I am starting a travel savings account! COSTA RICA HERE I COME.

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